Our topic idea for this project is Lancer Nation, a non-profit website created by our own company for student use. The purpose of this website would be to help inform prospective students of the various sports opportunities available to them at the University of Windsor. Whether it be recreational sports, or a university level team, the website will provide information on how to join, team information, game schedules, and much more. In terms of a long term goal and what we would like our site to accomplish, our main concern are informing potential and current students of all sports related activities happening around our campus. For some, sports are a big deciding factor when choosing which university to attend for post-secondary education. By making students more aware of the various opportunities, we hope to attract more students to the University of Windsor. The intended audience for this project would be all prospective students in high schools all over the world and students currently attending the University of Windsor who wish to be more involved in sport and recreation activities. One of the major problems at the University of Windsor is the lack of school spirit. By providing this website, we hope that students will become more involved in sports and recreational activities, and that they will develop more school pride and spirit.